Psychological treatment evaluation Austin Texas

Treatment Models: Addicitive and Compulsive Disorders

There are many approaches to the treatment of addictive disorders, but two stand out.   In North America most treatment programs for addictive disorders are based on the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.    Oddly,  most of the empirical research  is based on a very different understanding  of addiction and its treatment:  the bio-psycho-social model.   These two orientations are contrasted below:

  • According to the 12-Step model, alcohol abuse is the product of a disease.  Treatment emphasizes admitting powerlessness over alcohol, and adopting the norms and values of a new social group, the AA self-help group, in order to achieve total abstinence, which is the only acceptable outcome goal. There are many excellent 12-Step treatment programs.  In most communities virtually all treatment programs are based on this orientation.   These programs will provide the best match for persons with the following attributes: physically dependent on alcohol, benefit from the support of a self-help group, and have a religious orientation.

  • The bio-psycho-social model is based on research in neural science, cognitive psychology, and social learning theory.  According to this view, alcohol abuse is the product of biological, psychological, and social factors.  In contrast to the AA view, the individual accepts responsibility for changing behaviors that are excessively costly to self and others.   Individuals who do not feel comfortable with the 12-step philosophy, or those who have attempted 12-step programs without success, often find that cognitive and behavior change techniques are practical and direct.




Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.

- G. B. Shaw




The true purpose of education is to teach you to do the thing that needs to be done, when it needs to be done, whether you feel like it or not.

- Thomas Huxley